
英文生字 20170228 - 20170307

distinctive (adj) 明顯的/有特色的 
extortionate (adj) 過高的 
subtler (adj) 隱晦的 
artificial colouring (adj+n) 人工的色素 
optimistic (adj) 樂觀的 
pessimistic (adj) 悲觀的 
innovative (adj) 有創意的 
the crippled (n) 殘廢的 
evaluate (v) 評價 
coherent (adj) 連貫一致 
the mute (n) 啞的人 
the deaf (n) 聾的人 
the pillars of society (n) 社會 
recreation (n) 娛樂 
overcrowded (adj) 過度擠迫的 
ventilation (n) 通風系統 
infrastructure (n) 基礎設施 
relevant (adj) 相關的 
the grass roots (n) 基層市民 
the middle class (n) 中產人士 
durable (adj) 耐用的 
nonsense (n) 胡說八道 
blunder (n) 大錯誤 
subsidy (n) 津貼 
phenomenon (n) 現象 
eradicate (v) 根除 
chronic (adj) 長期的 
intervene (v) 介入 
tragedy (n) 悲劇 
a glittering ceremony (adj+n) 一個輝煌的典禮 
incredible (adj) 難以置信的 
fruitful (adj) 有成果的 
controversy (n) 爭論 
evitable (adj) 可以避免的 
distinguish (v) 分辦 
convey (v) 傳達 
adequate (adj) 足夠的 
impulsive (adj) 衝動的 
nosy (adj) 愛管閒事的 
outfit (n) 套餐 
prestige (n) 威望 
